1950-60sConcept of IWRA evolved through informal discussions and contacts among scientists, engineers, administrators, and others concerned with water resources
1971IWRA Articles of Incorporation submitted in the State of Wisconsin (USA), following a discussion at the International Conference on Pumped Storage Development and its Environmental Effects in Milwaukee
1972First Executive Board with Ven Te Chow as President (until 1980)1973First World Water Congress in Chicago1975First issue of Water International published
1985Crystal Drop Award, for laudable contributions to the world’s water situation, first given to UNESCO during V World Water Congress in Brussels
1988Ven Te Chow Memorial Award and Lecture first given to Vujica Yevjevich during VI World Water Congress in Ottawa
1994The Cairo Statement, proposing the World Water Council, produced at the VIII World Water Congress in Cairo2007Executive Office moved from North America, first to Africa then to Europe
2008Taylor & Francis begin publishing Water International
2020IWRA holds its first Online Conference on Groundwater and Climate Change
2021IWRA transitions to a new membership structure